Latest Episodes

110: What’s the Difference Between Presence and Awareness?
I've often used the words presence and awareness interchangeably—but they're really not. They're two distinctly different things, and in this episode, I discuss the...

109: Michael Ende, Practicing Patience, and the Power of Doing 1 Thing Wholy
Here's a conversation we've had about Michael Ende, Author of The Neverending Story, Momo, and other great books. We then touched on the beauty...

108: Magic Mornings: The Power of the Day’s First Hour
How do you design your optimal morning? Every night as we sleep and dream, we enter a profoundly altered state of consciousness, we process...

106: Should You Do X? Only if It Gives You Energy
It's so easy to lose yourself in all the things you "should be doing". It's so easy to come up with an endless list...

105: Embracing Life’s Perfect Imperfection
What you most reject is what holds the greatest potential for growth. Whether it's a feeling you don't want to feel, a person with...

104: Fixing Other People’s Problems Instead of Dealing With Your Own
Imagine having a friend with a drinking problem. You can clearly see they're on a path that'll lead them down a bad road. You...