Latest Episodes

152: Treat Everyone Like a Child (Especially Yourself)
I've been pondering a quote lately from my favorite Dostoevsky book, The Brothers Karamazov, which reads, "we ought to treat everyone like little children,...

151: When Our Plans Don't Pan Out
When I was 18 all I wanted to be was successful, which at that time to me just meant rich. I pictured myself with...

150: How the Crushing Weight of My Expectations Made Me Wanna Quit on Life
Ever wake up and think of all the things you gotta do, and it just destroys you? I can't tell you how many times...

149: All your problems start with a lie (Dostoyevsky's truth)
Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth", wrote Dostoyevsky. And the longer I live, the more I realize this to be...

148: The Only Reason You’re Ever in a Hurry
How often in life are we hurrying from one task to another on any given day? Or rushing hastily to reach the next big...

147: This Has Been Tried. This Is Certain (Love Conquers All Doubt)
I've experienced love in so many new ways over the past year, have deepened and widened my relationship with and understanding of love so...