Latest Episodes

085: The Dance of Anger: Are You Over- or Underfunctioning?
One of the most insightful books on managing anger I've read is The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of...

084: How to Change the Way I Feel About Germany?
I grew up in Germany, and spent most of my life there. And yet, I never felt at home in Germany, never liked living...

083: The Beautiful Wisdom of Anna Karenina's Derailing Marriage
I've been reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenina recently, and absolutely love this book for the sharpness with which he looks at relationships, and how people...

082: What Would I Want to Learn From My Younger Self?
There's a popular interview question I've been asked many times: What's one piece of advice you'd give your younger self? To me, a much...

081: Meeting My Inner Narrator
I recently had another IFS session on an elliptical, and this time it led to an unexpected encounter with my inner narrator. Shownotes: ...

080: Make Your Inner Critic Part of Your Creative Practice
Whenever you pour your heart into a creative endeavor, those critical thoughts can derail you. "You can't do this." "This isn't good enough." "Who...