161: Demons by Dostoevsky: How to Laugh From the Heart & The Dangers of Snap-Judging People

August 02, 2022 00:25:13
161: Demons by Dostoevsky: How to Laugh From the Heart & The Dangers of Snap-Judging People
Inner Work with Steli Efti
161: Demons by Dostoevsky: How to Laugh From the Heart & The Dangers of Snap-Judging People

Aug 02 2022 | 00:25:13


Show Notes

I’ve been reading Demons by Dostoyevsky and there are two small anecdotes from the book that immediately resonated with me—two topics that many of us as humans deal with throughout our lives. The first is the impulsive act of judging others too quickly and the arrogance we must overcome to give one another a fair chance. The second is the lost ability of being able to laugh from the heart. So often in life we wear masks to protect our own self-image and gain approval from others, but at a detrimental cost to our true inner selves. Talking more in this episode about the profound wisdom and depth I discovered from these passages and how I’ve seen these topics reflected in my own life.

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/ep161

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