160: The Brothers Karamazov

July 26, 2022 00:16:52
160: The Brothers Karamazov
Inner Work with Steli Efti
160: The Brothers Karamazov

Jul 26 2022 | 00:16:52


Show Notes

Today I want to share with you one of my favorite books of all time, The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky. I loved the experience of reading this book so deeply that I already can’t wait to read it again. It does a wonderful job of portraying many major life themes in a profoundly delightful way. I found so much beauty and wisdom contained within each page that it has stuck with me for days, and even weeks, after reading it. If there’s one book you read in your entire life, let it be this one.

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/ep160

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