015: Want that startup job? Let your CV tell a story

December 21, 2019 00:09:46
015: Want that startup job? Let your CV tell a story
Inner Work with Steli Efti
015: Want that startup job? Let your CV tell a story

Dec 21 2019 | 00:09:46


Show Notes

Thousands of people apply to join my our startup every month. Lots of “why you should hire me”-style pitches coming my way. Once you’re on the receiving end of screening job applications, you realize: CVs suck. Almost nobody is good at writing CVs—even badass marketers and great sales people are surprisingly bad at it.
I’m pretty sure I missed out on hiring some amazing talent, just because the CVs they sent me unsold me on learning more about them:
A list of places they studied and worked at, that doesn’t tell a story, doesn’t convey a compelling message, doesn’t give me any sense for why this person is the right fit for the role. So yes, thank you, but no.
In this episode of the podcast, I share why you need to make your CV tell a story, and how to do it well.
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