043: I got rich slowly, but here's how you can get rich quick

January 29, 2021 00:32:33
043: I got rich slowly, but here's how you can get rich quick
Inner Work with Steli Efti
043: I got rich slowly, but here's how you can get rich quick

Jan 29 2021 | 00:32:33


Show Notes

It took me a long time to get rich. It still feels weird to say this about myself. But financially, I’m definitely rich. What’s funny is, I’ve been rich long before I even realized that I was rich. It was actually through conversations with friends that I eventually realized: Fuck yes, I AM rich.

I care much less about it than I thought I would. I’ve heard rich people say this many times before, but: it really doesn’t make much of a difference in my life.

Now, that’s not to say that the human animal in me is above it all. I still want more money. I still sometimes get ensnared by the prospect of making money. I still sometimes struggle to say no to enticing financial opportunities, and one thing that I can tell you is: the more money you have, the more tempting opportunities come your way.

In today’s episode, I’ll talk about my struggles when it comes to resisting these temptations, and most importantly: I’ll talk about how you can get rich much faster, and with much less suffering than it took me.

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/i-got-rich-slowly-but-heres-how-you-can-get-rich-quick/

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