088: Stop Hiding Your Enthusiasm

July 19, 2021 00:28:23
088: Stop Hiding Your Enthusiasm
Inner Work with Steli Efti
088: Stop Hiding Your Enthusiasm

Jul 19 2021 | 00:28:23


Show Notes

This episode is an outtake from a conversation where I realized how I stifle my enthusiasm because I want to protect myself from the pain of embarrassment and disappointment. One of the greatest things about my younger self was how passionate I was about my dreams and goals (I talked about that in episode 82). I decided to stop hiding my enthusiasm, and embrace that sense of unfettered excitement. There's too much inner work to be done, and I can't let my fear of looking foolish get in the way.

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/stop-hiding-your-enthusiasm/ 

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