079: My 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge (Another Elliptical Session)

May 31, 2021 00:40:39
079: My 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge (Another Elliptical Session)
Inner Work with Steli Efti
079: My 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge (Another Elliptical Session)

May 31 2021 | 00:40:39


Show Notes

I've had another inner work session on the elliptical, and this time I've addressed a major emotional challenge of mine: chronic tension.

I've had a very vocal inner critic that used to be the driving force in my life, and it drove me to success in many areas of my life. But it came at a high cost. I felt miserable. 

Part of my inner work journey has been to free myself from that critical inner voice. But now I wonder if silencing my inner critic just led to it manifesting itself in chronic tension. 

I gotta acknowledge that my inner critic is an important force in my life. I just don't want it to be that harsh, disapproving voice anymore. Maybe channeling that energy into the form of a challenge is a healthier choice. 

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/creative-writing-challenge/ 

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