040: Pacing myself: Full speed until the fuel runs out isn't a good strategy

January 18, 2021 00:20:50
040: Pacing myself: Full speed until the fuel runs out isn't a good strategy
Inner Work with Steli Efti
040: Pacing myself: Full speed until the fuel runs out isn't a good strategy

Jan 18 2021 | 00:20:50


Show Notes

Here's a conversation where I talk about the importance of pacing myself and managing my energy throughout the course of a day. 

I have a tendency to go full speed whenever I feel energized—until my tank runs out of fuel and I crash hard. 

Today, I practiced breaking that pattern. When I felt excited or inspired by an idea, I didn't immediately rush into action. I stayed with that feeling first, and acted more deliberately. Or at least, I tried. Turns out breaking deeply ingrained patterns isn't that easy, but like so many things in Inner Work—it starts with awareness. You do the best you can right now, and if it matters enough, you keep practicing until you get better at it.



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