Listen to your heart. Get in touch with your body. Trust your intuition. All of these are easier said than done, because they require something from the mind it doesn't like to do: relinquish control. The mind always wants to run the show, and it won't hesitate for a moment to pretend to be all these different parts of ourselves, putting on the costume of the heart and imitating it's voice, telling us what it, the mind, wants us to hear, rather what the heart is actually telling us. In this episode, I share my daily experiences of unmasking the mind, and what I learned from doing so.
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I’ve been pondering a story for the last couple of days that I want to share with you. It’s a story I first heard...
Here's a conversation we've had about Michael Ende, Author of The Neverending Story, Momo, and other great books. We then touched on the beauty...
I'm highly self-critical by nature, often to a fault. A good amount of the inner work I've been doing over the past 2 years...