I'm excited to release our first ever interview on the Inner Work podcast. I spoke with Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu.
If you're really into Muay Thai—maybe you're familiar with the amazing work he and his wife Sylvie are doing together.
But even if not, I'd encourage you to check out this episode!
Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/love-a-fighter/
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Today's episode is a rant about the power of commitment. It's something that's so rare—to see someone being fully committed, to truly go all...
I've never had a great relationship with my Germany, even though I was born here, I grew up here, I have family and friends...
I'm currently with 2 friends in Thessaloniki and want to share the story of 3 encounters with different beggars we've had here, and what...