047: What happened to my mind when I stopped consuming content for 1 month

February 12, 2021 00:18:27
047: What happened to my mind when I stopped consuming content for 1 month
Inner Work with Steli Efti
047: What happened to my mind when I stopped consuming content for 1 month

Feb 12 2021 | 00:18:27


Show Notes

There's a reason why I grew a multi-million dollar company through content marketing. I'm good at content because I've consumed a ton of content in my life—starting out as a child where I spent all day every day in front of a TV.

I was basically raised by a TV. From the moment I came back to school to the time I went to bed, I was in front of the TV. And while I barely watch TV anymore—I've simply replaced the TV with other forms of media consumption. Podcasts, YouTube, Netflix, Twitter, etc.

In this episode, I talk about my addiction to consuming content and using it to distract myself from thoughts and feelings I want to avoid. It's a conversation I've had in the first half of December 2020, and at that time, I had for the first time in my life not mindlessly consumed any content for 30 days straight.

If you're hooked on content consumption too, give it a listen!

As always, I love to hear from you.

Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/content-fast/

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