It’s late at night. I’ve been waiting for hours to be produced. Be excited. Be motivated. To create content!
Before you start a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel, ask yourself:
Doubts and fears that come with creating content can stop you in your tracks. Do you believe that your content is important and worthy of an audience? Are you afraid that people who like, respect, and know you will think your posts are dumb and boring?
If you’re thinking about creating and producing content online, this is my advice:
Create content to give something back to society and help others. Be willing to look foolish in the name of progress. Let your content be consumed and critiqued.
Learn to continue, even as you mess things up. You’ll get better, build an audience, and find people who appreciate what you have to say. Make the world a better place!
Show Notes:
Links and resources:
There’s a quote by Byron Katie that’s been stuck in my mind. It reads, “Don’t be spiritual, be honest instead. It’s very painful to...
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