128: The Danger of Puffing Away Clouds of Worry

February 22, 2022 00:37:00
128: The Danger of Puffing Away Clouds of Worry
Inner Work with Steli Efti
128: The Danger of Puffing Away Clouds of Worry

Feb 22 2022 | 00:37:00


Show Notes

I recently had such a stressful dream that when I woke up, the feelings of worry, anxiety and guilt within my dream continued to linger long after I was awake. Typically when I have these little negative thought clouds, I’m able to effortlessly puff them away and return to a sunny state of mind. But I knew this dream was trying to tell me something, so I did an IFS meditation to decode this dream and what it was telling me about myself. 

In this episode I walk through my distressful dream and discuss the consequences of puffing away negative thought clouds instead of confronting them head on.


Shownotes: https://steliefti.com/ep128

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