There's a magic to going into a situation completely open, unprepared and without a plan, and improvising your way into a beautiful dance.
Even though there's always the risk that instead of a beautiful dance, you just stumble and fall flat on your face.
But if you're not willing to get lost, you'll never find yourself in an unexpected place. Being willing to get lost, to waste time, to look foolish, to make mistakes, is the price of admission.
Part of inner work is understanding when it's the right time to plan and prepare, and when it's the right time to let go of your plans and improvise.
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I recently had another IFS session on an elliptical, and this time it led to an unexpected encounter with my inner narrator. Shownotes: ...
Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes at all, and we keep repeating them again and again. And sometimes we overcorrect our mistakes so...
I recently did a five day water fast, with 4 days of juice fasting (2 leading up to and 2 after the water fast)....