Here's a personal conversation I've had with a friend back in September. I've been feeling tense and tired for a very long time, and I wanted to allow myself to just feel this feeling of tiredness more, rather than do what I usually do: trying to overcome my tiredness, and just push it away.
And when I did this, I realized that I've never really paid attention to my tiredness. I was never that aware of what tiredness actually feels like in my body.
On this day, I got to know my own tiredness better, because I just stayed with it and experienced it fully.
There's no major breakthrough or magic revelation in this. I'm just sharing how I experienced my own tiredness in a new way for the first time.
Looking back at it today, I can say that getting more in touch with myself, my feelings, my body has drastically improved the quality of my everyday life. I'll share much more of this in future episodes.
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